Common perception implies that hypothyroidism causes excess body weight. But which comes first, excess weight or hypothyroidism? Is your weight loss challenge because of hypothyroidism? Some of you have hypothyroidism , obesity and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) , all three together. Is that a coincidence? But your hypothyroidism has been treated and you still can’t […]
Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism: What is The Difference?
(This was first posted on my previous website in May 2016. Updated September 2019) Many of you have hypothyroidism and you are taking medicines like Thyronorm or Eltroxin or Synthroid or a combination of T4T3. It is likely that your hypothyroidism was diagnosed when you met your doctor because you felt fatigued or you gained […]
Treatment Of Hypothyroidism
(An earlier version was posted in May 2016) Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland produces insufficient thyroid hormones. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, where your body’s own immune system destroys your thyroid tissue. Dissatisfied By Thyroid Treatment In 2017 the American Thyroid Association did an […]
Cholesterol And Hypothyroidism: What Is The Connection?
Many of you have Hypothyroidism and high blood cholesterol levels. Is this a coincidence? Definitely not! It is also not a coincidence that you have diabetes or PCOS along with Hypothyroidism and high cholesterol. (More on this later).In biology, coincidence is very rare. Your body is a network-of-networks. Therefore there is no condition that occurs […]