A one-on-one Zoom call with Dr. Kar to understand your health goals and create your personal strategy.
A copy of the New York Times bestselling book Tiny Habits The Small Changes That Change Everything by Dr. BJ Fogg, PhD.
Dr. Fogg is the head of the Behaviour Design Lab at Stanford University. The Tiny Habits method is based on his research.
This program is based on the book.
Weekly Webinars for 4 Weeks.
Week 1.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Access to FREE Course PCOS Clarity: A Lifestyle Approach.
17 Lessons that include
"Doing this course allowed me to think about my life differently. Rather than going for the bigger goal and losing interest, I can set up tiny habits to become permanent habits."
- DR
"I've been surprised by how much happier and more positive I am about life in general.
Thank you!"
"There are all sorts of self-help techniques out there, but Tiny Habits is truly actionable, engaging and based on solid science."
"This is just a great new adventure.
My approach to habit formation has been changed forever."
Thank you!"
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You will receive a video recording of the first webinar and audio recordings of the subsequent webinars.
One email after you register. Follow-up reminders if you don't complete the intake form and set up the Zoom call.
One email a day for the 5-Day Tiny Habits Program (during week 1)
The number of troubleshooting follow-up emails will depend on your responses to the 5-day program emails.
Reminders for weekly webinars.
The 5-Day Tiny Habits Program during week 1 will provide the best benefits if you respond to the emails.
You do not have to respond to announcements and reminder emails.
I do not ask you to do specific "homework," but you will get the best results from the program if you complete all the lessons in the PCOS Clarity Course and read the book as well.
Each person is different. Some of you need the information behind the recommendations, while others think "just tell me what to do and I will do it."